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When The Dream Came True

When The Dream Came True


It was a cold day. There were fewer people on the roads. Prateek was going towards his home. He had just finished watching a horror movie.

The show ended at 12 o’clock. The film was very scary, due to which Prateek was walking on the road thinking about the same film. Prateek was getting scared of small noises on the way. Why not be scared? The movie itself was so scary.

But his home was still far away, and the biggest problem for him was that the cremation ground also came on the way. Prateek was repeatedly thinking about the film, and at the same time, he was thinking about the cremation ground ahead and how he would cross it.

Thinking about this, he came closer to the crematorium. There was dense fog everywhere. Because of this, he could not see anything clearly.

He was just walking on the road. Just then, the gate to the cremation ground came. As soon as he saw the gate, he refused to look in that direction.

Just as he was crossing the gate, he heard the crying of a little girl near the gate. He stopped after hearing that voice. He looked towards the gate but could not see anything because of the fog. But the sound continued.

Prateek did not find it right to go in that direction. So he called out to see who it was, but there was no response. Only the sound of crying was heard. Prateek felt that a girl might be lost. That’s why he went in that direction. He saw a girl wearing a frock.

Crying near a tree. Prateek walked towards him and asked him to shut up. But she continued crying. Prateek asked, What are you doing here alone? The girl stopped crying and said that her parents had left her here. Prateek asked him why.

Prateek was stunned to hear the girl’s answer. The girl said that because she was dead. Prateek did not understand anything to say.

Then the girl turned toward him. Pratik got scared of seeing her face. His face was very scary. Prateek fainted after seeing that face of hers. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was dreaming. But he still remembered the terrifying face of that girl in that scary dream. But, friends, the real story begins now.

 That’s why you should keep reading carefully. When Prateek woke up from sleep, he got a call from his friend asking if he would like to watch a movie today. Prateek asked which film? His friend told him that it was a ghost film and a night show.

This was the same movie that Prateek had seen in his dream. Prateek thought that this was just a dream. But he considered it a coincidence and said yes to the film. Both of them went to watch the movie.

 After watching the movie, he came out and started walking towards home while talking about the movie. The road was exactly what Prateek had seen in his dream. While walking, Prateek remembered what happened in his dream.

 He told his entire dream to his friend. Hearing this, his friend called it a coincidence, and both of them started laughing at it.

Then, on the way, he came to the crematorium. Prateek’s friend said that this is the same crematorium that was in your dream and started laughing. He told Prateek, Let us go to the crematorium and take some photos of ourselves and show those photos to our friends also. Prateek was refusing to do this because, somewhere in his mind, he was afraid of the dream.

 But his friend took him inside by force. Both of them took a photo together in their crematorium. And I went home. The next day, Prateek called all his friends at home to see the photos.

 When everyone was looking at the photo, one of them said, who is this girl standing in your photo? On hearing this, Prateek immediately took that photo and started looking at it. He was surprised by what he saw.

 He saw that a girl was standing between him and his friend. This was the same girl in the photo who Prateek had seen in his dream.

Prateek’s dream had come true. After seeing that photo, Prateek had a fever for a few days. Even today, when he looks at that photo, he gets goosebumps.

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