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Feelings – Ghost Story

Feelings – Ghost Story




(based on a true story)

So this thing started one evening when I returned home from work. Actually, I was working for a software company, and sometimes she used to come to my house. At home, I got a total of 4 logs. The flat was big, so everyone had their own room.

One night when I returned from work, it was already quite dark, and because I was tired, I just had food and laid down on the bed, and I didn’t know when I started falling asleep. My eyes opened a little with the light of slowness.

There was very little light, and it was reflected from the mirror above the wall. I was lying on my back, and my face was facing the other direction from the door. I remembered that I had locked the door, but I couldn’t remember when.

Now that I was not able to move at all, I felt as if I was completely paralyzed. Only my eyes were visible, but there was only a wall in front of me. The light was on for a few moments; now the room was dark, and I felt like someone was in my room. There was no sound; there was complete silence.

I couldn’t close my eyes because my brain would show me very scary faces. There was a strange feeling of anxiety, and at the same time, my heart was beating loudly. I was breathing for a very long time so that I couldn’t hear even the slightest movement in the room, but still in the room, I could only hear the sound of my breathing.

The dream had vanished completely, and there was a lot going on in my mind. Then my heart started beating faster because, just now, I felt as if someone had been sitting on the bed for a long time. My body was cold after sweating.

Now I was scared in my body because I wanted to scream, I wanted to get up quickly, and I wanted to run away or at least get out of bed as if everything had become very scary.” Saans’ voice became a little deeper because now only I and Saans were in the room.

” The clock on the wall started ticking, and then I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Our…,  A powerful scream came out of my mind. Now I was screaming loudly, and with every scream, I was feeling lighter. I screamed 4-5 times, and then my flatmates started knocking on the door and calling me.

I then opened the door and looked at the clock turning on the wall behind him and told him, “It was nothing; it was just a bad dream.”

(Based on a true experience.)


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