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Story – Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj

Story – Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj






Social Revolutionary Rajarshi Shahu










Rajarshi Shahumaharaj was born on June 26, 1874. After Shakarte Shivaji Maharaj in Maharashtra, Sambhaji Maharaj and Rajaram Maharaj fought with Aurangzeb to protect Swarajya. After this, after the death of Rajaram Maharaj, his wife, Maharani Tararani, fought continuously for seven years without wealth in the king’s treasury.

The brave Queen Tarabai established an independent state in Kolhapur. Yashwantrao, alias Babasaheb, the eldest son of the rich Abasaheb Ghatge Kagalkar, became the ruler of the institution in the year 1887 as the adopted heir of the fourth Shivaji Raje of Kolhapur.

After four years at Rajkumar’s College in Rajkot and then his education in governance under his mentor and guardian, Sir SM Fraser, Shahu Raja took over the leadership of Kolhapur Institutions. As soon as Shahuraj took over the reins of governance, he went to the villages and worked for the welfare of the subjects and farmers. He was the first Chhatrapati who inquired about the condition of the farmers and the subjects and tried his best to remove them after hearing their grievances.

He believed in modern agriculture and industrial development. He thought that the peace, progress, and prosperity of this country depended on the upliftment of the peasants, the backward class, and the Dalit class. For this, he planned irrigation canals. For the development of agriculture, today’s huge dam at Radhanagari was built, Maharaj had great faith in providing financial support to farmers and workers by establishing big cooperative credit banks. Because of this huge work, he is called the “Father of the Green Revolution in Hindustan.”.



“He set up an independent jaggery trading post at Shahupuri in Kolhapur. He encouraged the traders in Mumbai to trade. He helped them by starting co-operative credit banks. He tried to free the peasants and laborers from the trap of moneylenders. Shahu was the first king to realize that knowledge is the source of power and prosperity. Therefore, he did the work of spreading education among the farmers, the weak, the illiterate, the backward classes, and the Dalits.

Shahu Maharaj was not only a social reformer but also a political reformer. He was a politician, diplomat, and social revolutionary. He was a visionary and the father of true democracy. The foundation of Lok Shahi was laid by Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj. Shahu Maharaj’s courage, enthusiasm, and power were limitless. The only goal in his life was to liberate Dalit and downtrodden society from many constraints.

Shahu’s motto was ‘great sympathy for human life’. The light of education that has shone on the whole of Maharashtra, Shahu Maharaj, lit the immortal light of that light in Maharashtra. Rajarishi Shahu Chhatrapati became the Maharajya after Maharaj Shiv Chhatrapati for his indomitable, self-sacrificing, and self-sacrifice.

He was truly a great social man. A social revolutionary king, a supporter of democratic journalists, a champion of Hindi classical music, an architect of Marathi theater, and a patron of wrestling. A fortuneteller of modern Maharashtra, a pioneer of the Green Revolution in India, and a founder of social and economic democracy in India.

A large number of primary schools were established in the state. They facilitated primary education in villages with a population of 500 to 1000. Primary education was made free and compulsory. This spreads education. Admission to education was started irrespective of caste and religion. Realizing that it was not benefiting the weaker sections, he started separate hostels for the students of different classes, like Marathas, Muslims, Jains, Lingayats, Goldsmiths, Carpenters, Tailors, and Backward Classes. .

He opened the way for the education of poor students. Not only this, he removed caste restrictions by accommodating backward-class students in the Maratha student hostel. He provided financial support by setting up student hostels in Pune Nagar, Nashik, Amravati, and Pandharpur outside his institution.




Rajarshi Shahu was the only king who made such an effort to educate his subjects. He is the king who awakened all strata of society and gave them a fight for equality. He gave the government jobs to the untouchables, as they deserved. He reserved 50 percent of the seats for the backward classes in government jobs. He resigned the officers and employees who did not treat the untouchables with equality in government offices and hospitals. told about

Destroyed the land. Stopped the presence of the criminal caste. The social revolution done by Chhatrapati Shahu Raja was unprecedented. No king in India had shown the courage to make such a social revolution. Shahu Raje worked to bridge the gap between the established and the downtrodden. Shahu Raje was one of the few social revolutionaries whose heart was touched by the suffering of the poor and Dalits.

He tried about widow marriage, inter-caste marriage. He approved and encouraged marriages between Marathas and Dhangars, as well as Hindus and Jains. As soon as women were oppressed, their hearts flared up with anger.


He strongly attacked outdated practices like child marriage, polygamy, alcoholism, and barring women from education.

He also helped some women financially with their education. Shahu Maharaj brought about a great revolutionary upheaval in all three aspects of religion, politics, and society with his thoughts and actions. Today we see the fruits of their hard work in agriculture, industry, cooperative movements, and the progressive social system.

Shahu Raja’s personality was very impressive. Humanity was seen in his calm and gentle face. People were overwhelmed by his memory. His greatness was seen in simplicity. He was a king. After Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, he lit the lamp of hope in the hearts of the poor, Dalit victims. Shahu Raja played the role of taking all of society along. The kings who tried their best to humanize religion were always ahead of many leaders of their time.

He was keener than others to uplift the lower classes. Chhatrapati Shahu Raja was certainly not as popular a person in the institution of that time in terms of politics and social causes. He solved all the social problems efficiently when he had the power, wealth, and honor that came from the family tradition. He played the role of creating a new society with great passion. He brought about a change in the previous system of governance.



Such a great “Rajishi Shahu Raja to our honor, mujra.


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