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Lonely house –  Horror Story 

Lonely house –  Horror Story

Lonely Mention…. At 10:53, they and I sat in our car waiting for the new station to arrive, and all the co-passengers in the booth next to me were immersed in their own deep dreams. Only the sound of the train’s thunderous roar was heard. I did not know how much speed the train was going, but in between the carriages came from the window and brought the light of spring in the middle of the beach. I have made preparations.

This happened, and soon the speed of the train started slowing down. And after that, the train became very heavy. I packed my bag and immediately came to the door. The people on the waiting list who were waiting there were waiting for me. I was scared of those people only. Nothing was said; I was just waiting for the bag to stop at my station. “Where are you going?” the wise woman asked, but she sang in that same voice and gestured towards me. She just smiled as if she knew a little, and such a smile is very strange to me. “K…why what is the matter?” I asked frantically.

“It’s just an old story, in the open air of a very old city.”. I heard her talking more, but the way she was talking, it was clear to me in which open air she was talking. He is coming to me again and again; he is mentally unstable. I just looked at her with pride, and then I didn’t say anything except that I kept looking at my husband. I didn’t want to talk to such a thoughtful person, and he didn’t understand me. Then I heard the sound of the train, and there was a small room in front of the main gate of the station. Asif said that he would not be able to receive me.

I messed up and used the phone. Even though the network doesn’t work here, a few days ago I had an argument with Asif during office hours, and the argument was just to show who can stay alone in an old cottage for one night. I have been brave since childhood. I have said the same in everything, and I will live also. The pride of living is also there. When Asif said, “I will show you the price of five thousand rupees if you stay for a day, we both will go to the same place, which will be given to the other one.” Will you give me money?”

I said this after listening to Asif’s talk. “It’s alright, but I will stay alone.”.. Asif smiled and said, It’s alright, but I wanted to receive you till morning, and even at night I will go to some hotel so that I can complete the challenge.”. I, too, was not scared. He told me that before his city there is a town called Kaali Ghati, and there is only jungle for a long distance, and near a small settlement there is a mansion bought by his father, which is completely haunted. Then he started asking for a night stay in the old mansion as no one was there. His dad lived in America, and when he came to Kolkata, he bought the mansion just for its history; the rest was there to stay. Everyone was waiting… I then called Asif and slowly started looking for the way to the spring from the platform.

But Asif’s phone did not ring. If he would not call, then how would he wake up? Soon he came out of the spring and suddenly saw a rickshaw driver who was standing like that. I woke up, but he would not wake up. Suddenly, Asif’s phone came and said, “You are trying to find a network, but where are you?”… Asif was surprised. Asif: Oh, t…where is you speaking from? Raani: I was reached there kaali ghati Asif: Oh sh*t, why didn’t you tell me that you reached there? Damnit, I came only to receive you. Raani: After saying this, you have forgotten it, please. I am waiting for you in the main mansion; how can I get there?

The night is also getting dark. Asif: Hey man, I don’t have any money, but I have a job. My Nepali maid, who takes care of the mansion, makes phone calls. There will be no problem for you, but you can spend the night alone. Raani: Why are you here? But you are still at a distance. Asif: Okay, you wait. Asif’s phone got disconnected. Maybe he was calling his Nepali servant to make arrangements.

The rickshaw man in it woke up from my loud voice while I was talking to Asif. Rickshaw Wala’s eyes became as wide as they were when I told him the name of the mansion in the name of Asif. His eyes suddenly turned towards me and started looking at me as if I had said something surprising. He was not happy, but he was also greedy for double money. I told Asif that he was the one, but he was also walking alone.

Actually, I wanted to surprise Asif by saying that he was in the challenge. I managed to get the amount of Rs. You had arranged for all the things…I was happy and sat on the rickshaw. Slowly and gradually, the rickshaw started walking on the deserted road, and then the colony disappeared, and then I saw a mansion that was as big as the one I had seen from the spring, probably more than the walk…

I smiled with a feeling of surprise on my face. Finally, I felt like a challenge. In front of you is a bar fountain from which water has never come out. In front of you is a bar mansion that looks like it is of British style. Sometime in the buildings, the businessman of East India Company used to do this about 150 years ago. After Ooske’s death, he put this mansion on auction and then bought it for the first time after many years.

This is a strange thing. I am sure that it is clear that these people will be worried after taking the mansion to Asif. This challenge has made me happy; this has probably been the biggest challenge of my life. At some point, a Nepali servant came out of the door of the house to welcome me. “Madam Ji, did you come?

That’s when Asif Sahab said, we came; don’t worry, your food has been put on the table, and the house has been completely cleaned. All the arrangements have been made; please take the key.”. The Nepali servant gave me the key and asked me about the place, but I flatly refused.

“There is no need for you to stay here; I am the only one, asif Saheb. He will tell you that now you can  go.” The door was opened. And the light of the lamp was on, and I was walking into another hall, which was going straight up.

The sound of my footsteps was coming to me. I could use any of the rooms, according to the servant. Shakti did, but I told Oose to go immediately. That color told me. I went up, opened the door, and came into the room. A strange lady appeared who had probably been there for many years. as if I had never come here, so Oose told me.

I told you earlier… There was a bed in the room, and the moonlight was shining clearly from the window in front of it. Tik Tik Tik…tann tann… It was 12 o’clock in the morning. I suddenly saw spring coming, and there was a bar in between the pictures on the high wall in front of the room where it was 12 o’clock in the night. I was happy to see the food on the table from the plate. The main niche went down, and in the flame of the lamp, he took out the food from the plate and started eating.

The whole hall was lit by the light of the lamp, while the rest was in darkness. on the picture is the Maharaja of British India, and this is the picture of Eliza herself….I finished my meal quietly. The sea came back. It was one night. But till now, I was not feeling anything except silence. I thought for a while and looked at all the rooms for a long time. But then my heart did not care because it was so heavy.

This is what I needed during the train journey. Well, I closed the door of the cottage and went to the room to change the clothes with the clothes taken from my suitcase. Lights everywhere are like zero bulbs. There was no man to walk; there was no one in the fire.

I was thinking in the heat of the summer… Who can live in such a deserted area in such a silent and deserted area? Because the English people like silence… When spring came, the lamp of spring was lit, and it seemed as if someone was living here. I immediately took out the lighter from my bag and lit the lamp again. There was nothing there except silence and darkness. It was just one night. I went to bed and slept.

When did my eyes stop? I couldn’t figure it out, but in such a strange place, in such a strange place, where did she come so quickly? Every now and then I looked at the door, and till the curtain was drawn on the window, I looked as if it were as if many people were there. Soon, my eyes were filled with water. dhapp dhapp…

Suddenly, the bedroom opened, and I heard the sound of dew. I thought we were not there. It was 1:30 in the night; they immediately removed the sheet, and what did they find—that spring had come? There must be a circle of thieves or scoundrels who are roaming around people or are making such efforts to break into this house. I did not dare to remove the curtain; even after removing the curtain a little, I saw that the candle of spring was still burning and no one was there. But a fog was sitting all around me as if it had entered the room.

I felt perhaps it was more like being in bed. I immediately closed my eyes on the bed, thinking maybe this was my dream. For a while, I fell asleep, and then I fell asleep… For a while, I remained silent, and then I saw that the whole penis was shaking with great force. With such force that it seemed as if there was an earthquake, the sound of ‘Khan khan’ started coming as soon as the four or the objects were moved.

At first glance, she became worried whether it was an earthquake or not so bad. Maybe it was. My whole feeling was that living in a place like a cremation ground was no less than a haunted place. It happened just one night. I changed my clothes, took the pillow, placed a sheet over my head, It didn’t matter for a while, but then suddenly I felt a thump.

This time someone who was talking came up from the door. but I did not say anything because the voice was very loud. But this time she did not want to see what would happen. The voice became silent, and then it seemed as if one was coming from outside the room. Or passed from one to the other… Then I felt a door open.

A door opened to the upper floor, which I could clearly hear through the wall of my chat. Then he ate, ate, ate, ate… because someone was trying to get through the heavy rain… I took off his sheet and kept the torch… opened the door and heard the sound of spring coming or it was singing… slowly and gradually it went away.

I didn’t see any door open and I didn’t see any solution; just a big pile of water was lying on the door… My key which was the key opened the door of the pure cottage and the same sound was heard earlier. .I am looking very deep and the torch is shining here and there…which is the case of straight path i.e. it is shining or going…I am looking very deep and seeing the path that is coming, how is this possible?

When the door is closed, there is a huge pond, then who opened it?..Is there really something going on in the house? I don’t understand anything?,,,,Is this Asif’s trick? Is he going to visit me and make me go to hell? But how long did it last?,,,,,I didn’t feel much relief until I came back and closed the door. There was a room in the hall with a door and after closing the door, I fell asleep on the bed….what had happened before? where are you all?

My eyes started to glow again…and then the drishya I saw in front of me started to become clear….that woman sitting in the train who was listening to me was speaking like that…why was I feeling so scared without a rich man?

What Asif told was that the mistress of the house, the British Queen, appeared in front of everyone’s eyes…eyes were blinded…there was silence and darkness all around; it seemed as if the night was not going to dawn?

This night will keep on giving me the same…suddenly it seemed as if someone was coming and this time the voice was not coming, he was coming from the stairs, then a sound like rrrr rrrr came from the stairs and the door opened, it had come from the same room.

I felt as if I had come down some stairs, it was the same person which I had just mentioned earlier… those steps came straight towards me and then I heard them clearly and then those two steps took slow steps towards my room and they came…suddenly my eyes widened.

I sat there and felt that a few moments passed by the curtain and I did not realize that now he was me or he was staring at me in my room… I don’t know what kind of life’s shock had come in my silence. This?

My heart had become so weak that there was no way to lift me up…my heart was pounding…and suddenly I heard clearly that there was a knock on the door…thak thakk thakk thakk…they started knocking very softly…but My body has become so numb, it has become so numb that it has no meaning, the only voice that is whispering is that the man is doing everything to me as if my pure body has been paralyzed. “uhhhhh aahhhhh”….my voice came out.

Then, for a long time, I started feeling like how many doors have I opened? How many people are pulling my legs towards the door? They kept going…suddenly the door opened and the window started opening too…they closed their eyes to look at me and did not dare to look at me and suddenly the door opened with force…I don’t even remember seeing the light through the blinds.

It seemed to me like that….I was hearing the sound of double breaths…but I wanted to open my eyes but no one was giving me anything…I was crying all the way. I didn’t realize that those people were carrying me somewhere along the bed and they were carrying me.. Then suddenly I felt so cold that I felt as if I was suffocating from the heat all around me or it was like darkness before my eyes… then suddenly the bed stopped and even the rain stopped coming… as if someone had lifted my bed up. ho…I feel that this strange thing is going on…when I open my eyes…what is this? Where is this, where I reached?

This is not my room, there is no band to watch all around… but there is a veteran Khan. It was as if there was a band there in the room, where I was not getting any help…I was feeling so uncomfortable in taking the breath that I was almost suffocating…and then suddenly I heard someone’s voice who seemed to be very close to me…whose eyes were clearly visible.

When I looked at him, I saw that he was gay in the picture, that white nighty maili, that white blonde body, that violent heavy eyes, that face scratched from place to place and the lips coming out from both the sides… uff God, such a drunken Eliza.

The British businessman of the East India Company, how many years have passed since he died and who was standing in front of me…. I didn’t realize at the time that he had died, he didn’t know a soul and he started looking for a long time “uuu ww..illllll dieeeee” ….how did all four of them grunt in surprise at the sudden arrival of the English people?

And in the beginning of the day it seemed that there were no maids here. They all surrounded my bed and surrounded me… the voice of those people was so beautiful and the voice of Eliza was so beautiful that a strange scent and fragrance of honey emanated from her body and I was shocked that whose voice was there.

Even when I heard it, my heart started moving… then slowly, those pointed hands started moving towards my neck, the hair of my hands started moving up to my face. What did she say in English, “How come you dare to come into my house?

Now you will also have to stay with us forever, I hate you, I hate you…she screamed… I was shocked by that harsh voice and I would not stop…just this painful path of her teeth on my neck and nails in my neck. When he noticed, he along with everyone else let out a powerful scream from my throat.

Slowly and gradually all the things on the queen began to fade away as if someone had started counting on the pulse of her hands and someone else did not count on the rest of her body….Rani’s body started counting and after that when she started talking, Eliza said the same.

The blood coming out of his lips started to fall on the sheet and then that loud voice echoed in the eyes, the devilish spirit had taken another life in its grip in the courtyard of death forever. At 5 o’clock in the morning, they slowly bathed in the sunlight… Asif came quickly from the car… “Raani did not call me the whole night because I thought she would be carrying me”. raniiii”….Asif knocked on the door…but no one opened the gate….”hahaha I have the courage to walk in too”….Asif opened the door and came in “Raaniiii Raaniiii”……everyone and everything was as it was…Asif came up from the stairs….but the queen did not hear any voice and Asif did not hear any voice from all four or looked at him with a serious feeling.

Laga “Raaniii? Where are you? Hahaha, it seems like you are running away”…Asif is about to go to the other room, suddenly he saw the door closed and he pushed it with such force, he started walking, Asif started making noise…and pushed it with more force “Queen the door. Open the door… Asif did not understand much and opened the small door with great force.

Asif opened the door and looked at the vision in front… he knocked and there was blood flowing all around and a little girl was sleeping on the white sheet. When did you stop thinking of death like this “Raanaiiii”…? Asif started crying, removed his sheet and took a few steps forward with his eyes wide open in fear and placed his hand on his mouth… in front of Raani’s helpless body.

That’s how our eyes opened, they opened their eyes everywhere, they…we also got injured and there was a risk of blood that someone had killed the queen…that’s it, we have understood asif. Who was crying silently…who was crying silently with deep eyes and started descending the stairs on the reverse side, came out of the room, the queen’s dead body was covered with the blood of the queen, who was crying for a long time…asif  near by Asif went to the edge of the fountain and sat silently in shock as if he had committed such a big sin by making one mistake…who knew who knew everything…and then someone placed a hand on his shoulder…when Asif turned and showered.

When you saw, there was no surprise on his face. That was a woman wearing that bush, that fair body, that fearsome face, that violent gaze…Eliza was looking at Asif with a smile. Asif started smiling slowly and suddenly his eyes started turning blue “mommm why did you do this?”….asif he did not look like a human being, it was like a painter crossing the path of another painter. Asif’s eyes turned blue…little. Milk in me Asif was lying with his head on Za’s shoulder…and Eliza had one hand on Asif’s other shoulder…today he was alone with someone he didn’t know. In this silent desert there lived a soul of which no one was aware…this thing was always kept secret…in childhood I never knew when I slipped down the stairs into the embrace of death, when Eliza’s soul blossomed into my embrace.

Took it and gave him a new life Asif is no longer a human being, even his father did not know about it… His father had died 2 years ago… To save his mother, he has become like this to hunt for prey. The people who were crushed by their courage and pride and greed talked about staying in that cottage for one night… and then they too met the same fate as the queen.

 “The sun is rising, come on guys”…..Asif took Eliza’s hand and started walking with her like a little child in the sun and then both of them slowly walked towards the cottage and then they started walking in the dark…and then… It is like a deserted and lonely cottage. The end…..

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