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Don’t turn back 

 Don’t turn back 


Don’t turn back; otherwise, your death is certain. Friends, my name is Vishal Pratap Singh, and I am a resident of Dhanbad, Jharkhand. Although Dhanbad is famous for its fights and riots.

So friends, one night I was going from my village with my friend Avdesh towards the bus stand through the fields in the dark night, and then my friend said, “Friends, let’s go a little quickly; there is some problem from this field to the next two fields,” so I asked. What is the matter?

He postponed the matter again and again. But when I pressed him harder, he told the whole story. Many years ago, a man was passing through these fields at night from his village. On the way, he stopped under a tree to urinate. After that, as he walked a little, he heard the sound of a child crying.

So he thought that it would be the child of the night watchman, but then he remembered that this farm is Ramesar Kaka, who died by hanging himself here three years ago.

The man kept moving forward with frightened steps, and his mind remembered the words of those people: while passing through this field at night, never look back; if someone asks for directions, do not look at his eyes and feet; no matter how much someone says, do not listen to him. Thinking all these things in his mind, the man’s condition became very bad, and he started wondering why he did not think of all this before coming here.

As he moved ahead, the child’s voice became louder, and it seemed as if he was walking with him. Then suddenly he saw that the child was crying while lying in a swing tied to a tree, so in fear, he called out whose child it was, but there was no response. So he moved ahead in fear but could not stop himself after hearing the screams of the child, and when he looked back, he saw that the child was lying behind him in the swing. Out of pity, he picked up the child in his lap and started running away. After some time, the child started feeling heavy for him.



And he was shocked to see that his legs were about to touch the ground. He got scared and dropped the child on his lap. As soon as the child fell from his lap, the child laughed loudly like a grown man and said, “You were saved today. If my feet had touched the ground, no one here could have saved you; your death was certain.” As soon as he said this, the child disappeared.

That person reached home while falling and became unconscious as soon as he reached home. When he regained consciousness, he told this whole story to the villagers. As soon as I heard this story, I ran away out of fear without turning back, and I never passed that ghost-infested field at night.

A family whose spirits still wander in that house, Hello friends, my name is Amit, and I am a resident of the Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh. This story is from my childhood, when I was 10 years old. I used to visit my aunt’s house in Shimla every winter vacation.

In 2002, when I went to my aunt’s place, she had bought her second new house. My uncle works for a transport company, and he often stays out of town on tours. I saw his new house for the first time because, before this, he lived in a separate house.

As soon as I entered their new house, I felt a strange fear and shudder in their house, as if some echoing sound were coming into my ears. I thought it was a new house and rejected all these things. My aunt’s child was 2 years old at the time, and I gathered my things and started playing with him.

You know how cold it is in Shimla; that night too, it was very cold there, and after watching TV, we went to sleep at 11 o’clock. There was no one in that entire house except my aunt, my cousin, and me, and that house was also very big; hence, strange noises were heard at night. Around 1 o’clock in the night, I was hearing the sounds of two people talking.



I got scared that, apart from my aunt, no one was at home. I got up from my bed, went to the door, and saw that a man and a woman were crying in the hall with a child in their hands. Seeing this, I gasped, and my feet seemed to freeze. I kept looking at them without blinking, and as soon as I blinked, they disappeared. Seeing this, I fainted right there.

In the morning, when Aunty came into the room, she saw me lying on the floor near the door and woke me up. My body was burning like a furnace. I was very cold and developed a fever because I was lying on the floor all night in that extreme cold. My aunt immediately called her female doctor friend at home and gave her medicine. When I became normal, I told the entire incident of the night to my aunt.

Hearing this, Aunty understood everything, and with a sigh, she narrated to me the whole incident in that house. Aunty told me that five years ago, a family lived here in which a husband, wife, and their two children lived. That man had a share market business; at that time, he suffered a loss of lakhs of rupees in the share market and got buried under the burden of money.

All his land was sold, and only this house was left. So, seeing the shortage of money, he poisoned both his children and his wife and hanged himself. Since then, the spirit of that family keeps wandering in this house, although we came to know from the neighbors that these spirits do not harm anyone in this house. Still, many people did not take this house after hearing this story.

Only children at night. There were sounds of crying. Her aunt told her that she was getting this house cheaply, so she took it. Just 2 months after this incident, my aunt also changed the house because her child was not keeping well in that house.

However, after this incident, I did not go to Shimla for five years. In this way, friends, if any unpleasant incident happens in any house, then worship should be performed in that house. My aunt had made this mistake, due to which she had to leave that house.

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