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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar


India’s First AI Story – Dr. Babasaheb 



When celebrating Dr. Babasaheb’s birthday, whether to dance or to read? This becomes the question when his birthday arrives! Some prefer to read, while others choose to dance for the answer! Some wise people pause to think, how should this be stopped? Isn’t Dr. Babasaheb’s birthday supposed to be celebrated with joy, enthusiasm, and excitement? We have decided this. And if not celebrate his father’s birthday, then whose? And the father who gave me bread, gave me a job, provided reservation, taught values ​​like equality, justice, brotherhood, equality, recognized me as a human being, gave confidence to come out of slavery and poverty, taught, be organized, struggle, isn’t his birthday more important than a festival? What is the use of new clothes, fireworks, reading, dancing, and celebrating with enthusiasm? Many people think and feel this way. There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t feel the need to stop it, but there is a need for change. Dr. Babasaheb’s birthday celebration was never celebrated as we understand it. This needs to be understood.

Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the architect of the Constitution, labor minister, law minister, journalist, editor, economist, legal expert, who did not pass the Hindu Code Bill for women, resigned from the ministry.. who took the oath of Buddhism to show the direction to society.. many such things everyone knows. Knowledge is power. That’s what it was. Great man.. But understanding his greatness and implementing it today is the real need.

‘In the company of books, there is no other joy like selling a peaceful life. Books teach me, show me new ways, that’s why I love books more..’ says Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. How much have you read with true meaning? Have you internalized his thoughts on society, religion, education? Did he not burn the Manusmriti? Did he not accept Buddhism? What are his 22 vows? And do you practice his teachings at home?

How many thoughts about him? How much do you think about him? Doing as little as possible..! His birthday is celebrated today with great pomp and circumstance, in villages, towns, and cities, but why don’t people follow his thoughts, his 22 vows? This is the question. He gave the message of ‘Learn, organize, struggle’ for society. But what achievements have been made in this regard? ‘Don’t consider your vote, worth a pinch of salt. The day you realize your power, no one will be a beggar to buy your vote..’ What do you understand from this? And what do you do? When will you think about it? Elections are coming. Where are you in that? Where are your leaders? What are they thinking? Even Dr. Babasaheb’s descendants and followers sometimes go to someone’s court? Whose thoughts do they support? When will they compromise for power?

‘Gods come to people’s minds, ghosts don’t..,

Newton, Einstein, Copernicus-like scientists don’t come..? When scientists come to people’s minds, then India will rule the world..’ When will you think about this? Some of our young people are going abroad for education today. So when will you see how your children will go there? Sometimes some of your children are going abroad, there is joy and pride in it, but still, their achievement is less even today.

‘People should not feel ashamed of their poverty. Shame should be felt to show off their shortcomings..’ When will your inherent flaws be reduced? Day by day, as society’s flaws and misdeeds increase, you keep blaming someone. Political maneuvering, anything for power.. with all these atmospheres, when will you see some responsibility and duties as citizens given in the Constitution??

‘Wisdom, character, compassion, knowledge, friendship, every student should build their character on these five elements..’ Today there is a need for the development of parents and teachers who will take this idea to the students. This is what all parents and teachers feel and apologize for today.

For any good work, there is always a moment,

Never trusting in fate, do the work that you want to do with all your might.. Dr. Babasaheb says this, and when will you understand it? Read it, if you want, but read. He who tells us this message, Dr. Babasaheb’s love for books, is well known, but when will we be friends with books? Don’t grow up dancing, instead grow up reading..!! Instead of cheering my name,

fulfill my unfinished work with determination..

If you have two coins, take one for food and one for a book… the food will feed you.. then the book will teach you.. Dr. Babasaheb says this hesitantly, and they are gods for you, but don’t make them deities and confine them to temples and offer only greetings..!

Celebrating their birthday was not liked today. But today, we spend millions of rupees celebrating their birthday. How much will they like it? Today, even if they come in anyone’s dreams, they will still be sad.

They say, ‘Don’t make me climb to godhood. Making someone climb to godhood and then running behind them with blindness, I consider this a sign of weakness..’

The progress and development of our society were expected from them. For that, they sold their lives. Then, when celebrating his birthday, understand his thoughts..! Celebrate his birthday, but definitely make some legislative changes..! Look at the slate, at least in it we will make some changes..!!”




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