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Shadow –  Horror Story 

Shadow –  Horror Story


The real experience This is a real story, and I have experienced it myself. I was 13 years old, and she was very mischievous, teasing her family members. I liked her very much, and everyone was looking up to me a lot. My cousin Zishan was the one who teased her the most. It was the end of October during Durga Puja and our festival, Goat Eid.

We have an ancestral house that is about 250 km from the city. There is a door, and during Bakra Eid, all the family members come together to celebrate the festival, and this has been going on for a long time. All the aunts, uncles, and cousins were looking very nice under one roof, and this was another excuse to have fun in my mind.

Like every time we came there three days before the festival, two elder brothers of my father and their family came there. This is the rest of my uncle’s story because they are abroad, mainly in Seattle. My favorite brother, Zishan Bhai, is here, and we are having fun with many of them. Karim’s house is full, and everyone is sitting in the car.



After dinner last night, all the cousins thought of playing the game, so we went to Dad’s room so as not to disturb anyone. When everyone left, we started playing the Truth and Dare game. Game main total: 15 players. When we played the game on the first night, I did not move the bottle.

When the bottle came towards me, I chose dare and gave the dare to my cousin, Sis Rubeena, who was 4 years older than me and told me that I dared to bring stones from the field. That night, my condition became worse due to the fact that I went to the field.

Everyone understood very well that there was no point in doing anything else, and the condition was that if I did not complete the dare, I realized that I would not be able to wear new clothes on Eid, and I thought of completing my dream. I didn’t feel like any ghost or Jinn; it was like the dogs that lived in the vehicle and started barking at everyone.

But with my help, the vehicle went where I didn’t want to go, and that proved to be the biggest mistake of my life. For me. When we reached the field, I started picking up stones, and the man started wondering how Rubina changed the path from the basin.

As I turned to go home, I saw an uncle dressed like a fake who asked me what you were doing here. I told him innocently that my uncle Yahaab had come to take this stone. At this, his eyes went blind, and he started shouting that this place is mine and you have done something without my permission. I started laughing and said, Uncle, you are crazy.

This is my bad father’s farm, and this is just stone. That’s why I did not understand at that time that the person I was talking to was not a human being. I had made him even more angry with my bluntness. But I didn’t know why I was not feeling afraid of him, but I understood his anger and said to him that I had come home till now and he was feeling lonely.

He held my hand and took me home. I stoned everyone and everyone. I shared my story, and everyone started thinking that it must be someone from our village. After that, they would look at me every day, and I would take care of them. But Ammi and Abbu got worried due to my actions, and they would scold me. No, he did not consult the doctor.

He did not report any illnesses. After treatment from Hakim Sahib, he consulted his uncle, and he got bandaged. When I went to my house after 7 years, this problem started again, and this time it appeared like a horrible dream. It was 3 years ago today when I last went to my old house. Summer vacations were going on, and I went there with my Bade Papa’s family.

Bade Papa had two daughters and one son who was very fond of me. We planned to sleep outside as it was summer and went to bed. After all of us started pulling towards the cow, I realized that there was someone else in this place besides us who was also living there without any reason.

When I mustered up the courage to look at the other side, there was something strange in the vehicle that was lying on the bed. She was lying on the ground and was looking at me fiercely, and when she looked at me, she started screaming. But no one could hear my voice, and no one helped me. That shadow slowly came towards my door, and I was looking at her like a lifeless person. For a long time, my face had become pale, and when I started moving my hand to separate myself from her, Babi Ammi’s eyes opened. He tried very hard to control me, and I continued to save myself from some unknown thing.

When Badi Amma could not control me, she called Badi Papa, and he brought me back to consciousness after I regained consciousness. It was such a situation that I couldn’t tell anyone the pain that I felt, and only I knew it.

For a few days, everything was normal, and we went back to our city on the way back. As my condition worsened, I always felt that someone was haunting me and walking with me. I was afraid of being alone. One night I slept with my sister, and my eyes opened and my soul started crying.

She lifted me up from the bed and threw me on the bed again, which opened my sister’s eyes, and she was scared to see all this, and all these things happened to me very painfully. I remained ill and consulted many doctors. It didn’t make any difference, even if I showed the medicine’s principles.

But till today, this story is the worst. Maybe it is so horrible that people should not read it, but this is the real story of my life and what I have felt. She is very scary, she is shy, and she is looking at me all. If you have any way to avoid her, then please tell me । Plan to sleep on the couch due to the heat. After making and lying down on the bed, we were all waiting for each other. After pulling on the cow, I realized that there is someone else here besides us who is taking care of us.


When I mustered up the courage to look at the other side, I saw something strange there. Neither was she on the bed nor was she on the ground; she was lying down on me, looking at me fiercely, and she was screaming. But neither could anyone hear my voice nor did anyone help me. That shadow slowly came towards my door, and I was looking at her like a lifeless person. For a long time, my face had become pale, and when I started moving my hand to separate myself from her, Babi Ammi’s eyes opened. He tried very hard to control me, and I continued to save myself from some unknown thing.

When Badi Amma could not control me, she called Badi Papa, and he brought me back to consciousness after I regained consciousness. I was in such a situation that I couldn’t say much about it to anyone; I felt that only I knew it. Everything was normal for a few days.

We came back to our city, and after coming back to the car, I always felt that my condition was getting worse. He is the one who stares at me; he walks with me.

I started feeling tired of being alone; one night I slept with my sister, and when my eyes opened, my soul started crying.

She lifted me up from the bed and threw me on the bed again, which opened my sister’s eyes, and she was scared to see all this, and all these things happened to me very painfully. I remained ill and consulted many doctors.

It didn’t make any difference, even if I showed the medicine’s principles. But till today, this story is the worst. Maybe it is so horrible that people should not read it, but this is the real story of my life and what I have felt. She is very scary, she is shy, and she is looking at me all. If you have any way to avoid her, then please tell me.

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