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Story of the Haunted Hotel 


So friends, today’s ghost story is about a hotel that cannot be called completely haunted, but there was something in it that made that hotel different from other hotels. So let’s move further into the story. Saurav and his wife were going on a trip to Shimla.

Their first plan was that as soon as they reached Shimla, they would first go to their hotel and rest there. He was going in his car when suddenly the road leading to his hotel was closed, which was going to open tomorrow morning.

Saurav thought about where to stay today, and then his wife said, Why don’t we book a room in a hotel nearby just for today? We will leave for our hotel tomorrow morning. Sorav also liked this idea, and he started roaming here and there in his car in search of a hotel.

 He had gone deep into the dense forests in search of a hotel. He couldn’t find even a human being to ask him for directions. Suddenly, an old man was seen sitting on a stone and smoking hookah. On seeing her, Sourav stopped his car and asked her for a nearby hotel. The old man pointed in a direction with his fingers and started smoking hookah, but did not say anything.

 Saurav also set out on the path shown by him. As soon as they went some distance, they saw a hotel. The hotel was nothing fancy, but it was okay. Saurav and his wife went to the hotel, where a man was standing at the counter. Saurav asked the man for the keys to a room and asked him to stay for a day.

The man said, Sir, you can stay for as many days as you want, but you will have to pay the fare for two days. Saurav also gave the money. The man stood for a while, and after some thinking, he took out the key to a room and gave it to Saurav with a light laugh. Saurav could not understand her laughter and moved towards the room with the keys. He looked at the key and saw that it was room number 333.

 He left for room number 333 with his wife. He saw that the first and second floors were full of people—that is, all the rooms were booked. But where room number 333 was, which was on the third floor, that entire floor was deserted. They quietly opened their room and went inside. The room was nice inside.

When Saurav went to the bathroom to freshen up, he saw that there was no water in it. He picked up the room telephone to call the hotel staff and dialed. The phone was picked up, but no sound came from there; only a light laugh was heard, and the phone got disconnected. Then suddenly, a call came on the same telephone.

This time it was the voice of the hotel staff who asked, “Yes, sir, tell me what we can do to help you.” Saurav said, “You quickly come to our room because there is no water here.” The staff said, “Sir, tell me your room number.” Saurav said, “Room number 333.” On hearing this, the staff’s voice became slow and nervous.

The staff got nervous and asked, “Sir, what are you doing there?” When Saurav asked why, the staff immediately shouted and said that you should get out of that room as soon as possible and come down.

Saurav did not understand anything, and when he asked the reason for this, the staff said, Sir, do not ask questions; just come out of that room as soon as possible; there is a lot of danger there. On hearing this, Saurav disconnected the call and asked his wife to leave from there with the luggage. As he was leaving, someone started knocking at his door.

Saurav repeatedly asked who was outside, but no one was heard. Saurav and his wife understood that this was a case of ghosts. Both of them were badly frightened. Then the light in his room was cut off, and everything became dark.

Just then a voice came from outside. Sir, you had called to fix the water, right? That’s what I have come for. Saurav thought that just now the staff below said that this room is not free from dangers, and now who is this person outside the door?

Then Saurav heard the same soft laughter that he had heard on the phone and while taking the keys downstairs. Just then, the room telephone rang again; it was the staff’s phone.

He said, “Sir, haven’t you come down yet?” Saurav said that a hotel staffer had come outside and was saying that he had come to fix the water. The staff said, “Sir, whatever happens, don’t open that door; otherwise, you will die in front of you.” Saurav got scared after hearing this. The staff said that you stay inside; we are coming up with some people.

As soon as he said this, the phone got disconnected. After some time, a voice came from the door: “Sir, you can come out.” When Saurav heard that some more people were also arriving from outside, he was convinced that it was actually the hotel staff.

Saurav opened the door and took a sigh of relief, and everyone moved away from there and came down. Saurav noticed that the staff member who was earlier at the counter was no longer there; someone else was standing there in his place.

Saurav told the whole story to everyone, and then the staff said that, sir, the person whom you had met earlier downstairs actually used to work in this hotel, and he died mysteriously in room number 333 of this hotel, and even today his soul wanders in this hotel.

But mostly he is in room no. It hovers around 333. Saurav had understood the whole thing.

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